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Podcast not playing in the right order? It’s out of our hands, BUT here’s how you can fix it (depending on where you listen).
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How to choose the order that episodes play. When you follow a podcast, you can play episodes in order, beginning with the newest or oldest episode.
- Open the Podcasts app.
- On your iPhone, go to the Library tab, then tap Shows. On your iPad, go to Library in the sidebar and tap Shows.
- Tap the show to see its information page.
- Tap the More button
in the top-right corner, then tap Settings.
- Tap Oldest To Newest or Newest To Oldest.After an episode ends, the next episode of that podcast plays automatically. To turn make sure this is on, go to Settings > Podcasts, then turn off Continuous Playback.
Go into the podcast itself, and click play from there, that episode and all newer episodes are added to the queue.